I don't even know what to say about this bike. It's the most messed up thing I've seen in ages and there's no good reason for me to want one but, well, I want one. I'm sure I'll find some way to rationalize it like "it'll be good for towing the kid in the trailer" or "I've always wanted to explore the back roads and fire roads of BC, what better bike." It has mounts for six bottle cages on all but the smallest size which holds an astounding five. There's a rack to haul out your camping gear, food, crossbow, or keg. It's the Hummer of the bike world, but in a good way. Unfortunately the complete bikes won't be available until next spring but the frames are rumored to be showing up in about a month. Maybe the shop will have one built up as a demo bike before Christmas and it might just be my size. Funny how that happens...
This has to be the ugliest bike I have ever seen. The frame looks like a BMX frame, the handlebars don't look right on this frame, the gear levers on the end of the handlebars are wrong and out of date, if someone needs six water bottles maybe they should stay home to be near a constant source of water. The puke yellow colour does suit the bike.
funny, it's my size as well...
I guess you have to ride the bike to appreciate it. I have, and it's the only bike that looks good with a flat Mt. bar installed. This is considered a touring bike, it's not intended to impress everyone, yet it is functional and can go anywhere and do anything, that's why the frame is designed for comfort not racing BMX's!
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